Myrtle Creek Morning Bear Scare — On to Canyonville

Having awoken early to the heavily breathing beast outside of my tiny tent, I embarked on a pre-dawn start down the long road ahead. Nearly ten miles into the day, frustration flushed over me as I felt a companion blister heating up next to the callus I’d painfully earned en route to Sutherlin, just a few short days ago. Behind schedule and seeing the beloved sunshine shift to rains, Canyonville has become a breaking point. Had this just been some simple “home-study course” project, I would have thrown in the towel here.
However, I’ve told the whole world that I’m walking across America. High-level officials have met and walked with me. I can’t just give up here. But– if I can’t even make it across Oregon, how am I supposed to walk thousands more miles — across the rest of America?!?!?!?