Day Off in Redlands

Shay and I have been walking through endless sunshine since Santa Monica, and admittedly, I haven’t even been checking the forecast since leaving the coast. So I smiling admit to being surprised to waking up to rainstorms this Saturday morning, first day off since leaving the coast.

Saturday with the twentysomethings in Redlands was a sweet experience. Lauren, a friend of Andrew’s, asked her grandparents if I can stay with them as I approach Indio this coming week. She was headed there this afternoon, but first invited me to explore downtown with me. She was also new to Redlands, despite living less than an hour away, in Glendale. We had fun walking up and down through the main street of the very inviting town. She hosted me to the most delicious chai tea ever before she left, and our great conversation made me very happy about the positive direction into which she’s heading.

I brought back all the necessary burrito-constructing ingredients from Trader Joe’s, and made burritos later for Kristen, Michelle, Steven, and Andrew (everyone who was home). What a great feeling to be giving something back to these wonderful people who are hosting me!!

It rained, it poured, and it hailed today.

Sunshine is forecast for tomorrow, when I’ll be headed across San Timoteo Canyon to Beaumont.

I’ll miss this house: Andrew, Casey, Kristen, Michelle, Steven and Shala are people that you’d love to spend years with– which makes it obvious why they’re all living so harmoniously well together. One by one, I found each of them on Facebook, so that we can stay in touch!!