Van Horn Christian Shelter

Across from the Van Horn Napa, is the Christian shelter. Though I was prepared to walk to Plateau this afternoon, immediately upon seeing the shelter, I felt the intuitive urge to check it out. Doors to the shelter didn’t open till 4 PM, and as Dave from KOA had given me directions to the town library, I was eager to spend time there too. As I easily get lost in libraries or bookstores for hours,spending hours in VH’s library was quickly accomplished.
I returned to the shelter after 4 PM to check out the vibe there, and I felt welcomed before they even made it all the way to the glass door to let me in. This is my second homeless shelter experience of the walk (and of my life), first being in Brookings, my last night in Oregon. Both have been great– and I plan to seek more such experiences. The shelter volunteers inspire me as well– I admire them deeply. Pictured here are Gary, Cheri and Ruth, who are staffing the Van Horn shelter this evening. We talked for hours this evening. They’re very warm, excellent people, who’ve gifted me with a perfect night to precede my 4-day, 80-mile push to Pecos :)

Christian Shelter, Van Horn, TX

Christian Shelter, Van Horn, TX