Coffee Shop Irony of the Day

As I’ve been taking several days out to do video-related work for this website, I spent a solid six hours at the end of the day in Starbucks, using their spacious tables, outlets and wifi for my “office,” as I slowly build a million tiny details into what will soon be a finished product of an updated intro video on the homepage of As is the case with virtually every Starbucks everywhere, the staff is well-groomed, cheery, and eager to pump overpriced caffeine into the customers’ veins. At this mall branch, almost all commercial businesses lock their doors at 9 PM, and Starbucks is no exception. As the glowing gases of all the blue and red, neon “OPEN” signs in the area were down to their last few minutes of livelihood for June 25, 2012, and a twentysomething Starbucks barista was cleaning the bathroom around the corner from me, the music I heard making its way through that thick restroom door put a smile on my face. Totally unexpected, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” happily whistled from that dirty bathroom, was just loud enough to be audible on the south end of the store, where I was sitting. Today, June 25, exactly six months away from Christmas, yule tide tunes would be the very last of any domestic tune I might guess I’d be hearing. However, Thank You Baby Jesus, no obnoxiously loud coffee grinders were spinning at the moment– allowing a large holiday-plus-or-minus-six-months grin to quickly grow across my face. It’s midnight here now, and “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” has happily been in my head since.
