Making it to Macon County

Today, after weeks within Montgomery County, getting to know the locals, their culture history, I proceeded into Macon County.

Diane & Mindy, sweet locals from Montgomery County, have been playing a support driver role for me, and promise to do so all the way to Tuskegee, which I’ll reach in a few days. In the between time, I’ve been working on catching up on communications in addition to putting together new videos which I plan to soon be posting to the website (via my YouTube page:
Rural Alabama is beautiful. Though much of it comes in downpours, Alabama receives more inches of rain per year than we in the Pacific Northwest receive, oddly enough, and I find I’m actually a fan of rain that comes, dumps, and disappears. That said, walking within a neighborhood of thunderstorms can quickly become VERY intimidating.

Entering Macon County, Alabama

Entering Macon County, Alabama

"Rustic" rural bridges of Macon County

"Rustic" rural bridges of Macon County

Macon County's Fields of Gold... What a lovely summer stroll!!

Macon County's Fields of Gold... What a lovely summer stroll!!