Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!
After reaching North Carolina’s Triangle on foot, I’ve made a detour to visit mujer maravilla. All the stars lined up for this one: Kristian, a Carolina friend who’s been doing documentary film work for the walk, is attending a conference/workshop in Atlanta over the next several days, and while here, we’re planning to interview some of the many people I met in the Peach Capital.
Having recently spent weeks in Richmond to assist family post-surgery, it now feels like something of a volunteer service reward to rewind the miles a bit to the city where I met Rocío.
Having reached NC’s Triangle on foot, my Chariot and the majority of my stuff will remain garaged with great hosts in NC till I return, later this month, and ultimately continue the footsteps from where I’ve left off. In the meantime, I not only have some catching up to do with Rocio, but with blogging as well!

STATUS: ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
