
I’ve really enjoyed spending five nights this week getting to know Annie Reinke & Family. Annie is a librarian at James River High School; we met after art teacher Kelly Alvis Bisogno saw me on the side of the road, walking into Richmond, and later contacted me, asking me if I’d like to speak to students at James River High. Three days after I arrived to Richmond, Kelly organized about a thousand students for me to speak to throughout my day there, and the first group of students I spoke to was in the library, early in the morning.
Annie said hello, asking me, “Would you like a bowl of organic oatmeal?”
Immediately, her positive, enthusiastic energy registered and resonated with me.
Annie and other teachers later met me for dinner in Richmond, and given that the stitched up foot has kept me in the area longer than anticipated, she and her husband, Tom, invited me to spend multiple nights at their quiet and cozy suburban home.
Annie & family introduced me to much of “The Best of Richmond” during my time here: people, history, dining, views, museum, canines, etcetera-etcetera ~ :)

Thanks so much for everything, Annie, Tom, and Morgan!!

Annie & Tom, with son Morgan.

Annie & Tom, with son Morgan.

Annie invites me out with her fellow teacher friends to fine dining...

Annie invites me out with her fellow teacher friends to fine dining…


Fun, fun, fun...

Fun, fun, fun…


Judy, Annie's 95-year-old, sharp-as-a-tack neighbor, keeps herself quite occupied. Judy walks daily, and this is a bin full of sticks and twigs that Judy picked up throughout her property.

Judy, Annie’s 95-year-old, sharp-as-a-tack neighbor, keeps herself quite occupied. Judy walks daily, and this is a bin full of sticks and twigs that Judy picked up throughout her property.


Tom jokes with his wife about gender roles in the kitchen...

Tom jokes with his wife about gender roles in the kitchen…


...and here's the result ~

…and here’s the result ~


Annie shows me Richmond's history, Richmond's views...

Annie shows me Richmond’s history, Richmond’s views…


Richmond, viewed from the east

Richmond, viewed from the east


Cozy Quarters at Tom & Annie's

Cozy Quarters at Tom & Annie’s