Community of Corbin…

Window-rattling thunderstorms were predicted for today, so the day’s mission was to reach as far as possible before the storms rolled in. I made it nearly 20k from Bowling Green up rural Virginia Hwy 2 to the community of Corbin.

Not far now... After nearly 4 years, this is the first sign I've seen giving me a distance to my committed goal. Funny that they don't even attach the "D.C."  Thunderstorms were predicted for the afternoon, so today's mission was to get as far as possible before the storms!

Not far now…
After nearly 4 years, this is the first sign I’ve seen giving me a distance to my committed goal. Funny that they don’t even attach the “D.C.”
Thunderstorms were predicted for the afternoon, so today’s mission was to get as far as possible before the storms!

Halfway through the day's miles comes a butterfly blessing at blacktop's edge!

Halfway through the day’s miles comes a butterfly blessing at blacktop’s edge!

My girlfriend has “kidnapped” me for the weekend, and I’ve found that I forgot my laptop charger. I may not be able to update more till this coming Tuesday, once she returns home… (I’m SO happy she’s here!!!)