The Back-Splashing Waves of Ironic Bliss :)

Ready to sleep outdoors if not invited indoors anywhere, I’ve noticed a pattern of great irony within this journey in which I have to live on the thinnest thread of a budget: it’s not unusual for me to be invited in by hotels, motels or other inns across the miles. I’ve even lost count of how many have actually done so (great people!!). What I have noticed, is almost NEVER does a cheap hotel invite me in; almost always, the rooms I stay in normally go for over $100 per night–often far higher than $100 per night.
I’ll be spending all of next week in Philadelphia area hotels and bed & breakfasts–all of which far surpass this triple-digit dollar threshold–none of which remotely come close to any sort of lifestyle I could budget for across the 4,700 miles of this trip. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts; however, this life on the road has also meant that I can be outdoors in my tiny tent one night, in a thousand-dollar room the next night, and back in my tiny tent the following night (this actually happened once–in Big Sur, California–and I enjoyed all three nights!).
It’s quite a life–and as I’m soon to reach the Atlantic, I’m both enthusiastically optimistic and even a bit nervous about the major transitions to this “road life” which I’ve recently discovered has become “normal” for me across the years and the many miles… (It will be up to me to create and welcome a new soul-centered, Universe-friendly mega-challenge for life’s coming chapters…)
Here’s to appreciation of life’s waves, including the back-splashing waves filled with ironic bliss ;)