07 DSC_0026

Out on Five Forks Road, miles from any other commercial establishment, sits 5 Forks and a Spoon Cafe, a local "meat & three" --what locals refer to as a restaurant that gives you the option of any meat dish with your choice of three sides.  Locals had told us about this place for miles, and though we were walking past, at first we were simply going to do no more than snap a couple of pics. However, loyal locals exiting the restaurant upon our arrival lobbied successfully to get us into the front door.

Out on Five Forks Road, miles from any other commercial establishment, sits 5 Forks and a Spoon Cafe, a local “meat & three” –what locals refer to as a restaurant that gives you the option of any meat dish with your choice of three sides. Locals had told us about this place for miles, and though we were walking past, at first we were simply going to do no more than snap a couple of pics. However, loyal locals exiting the restaurant upon our arrival lobbied successfully to get us into the front door.

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