April 25 – Playground awakening

After a shivering-cold night in the playground, time to rise, shine, and walk another 22+ miles, to Mobile :). I believe the walk on Hwy 90 is a scenic byway walk. So far, it's been beautiful-- lined with trees of all sizes, decked out in their newest green clothing, dancing happily in the bright sun and soothing breeze. I'll be walking through several small towns today, en route to Mobile. I predict I'll arrive around dusk, or maybe shortly afterward, optimistic and exhausted :)

After a shivering-cold night in the playground, time to rise, shine, and walk another 22+ miles, to Mobile :) . I believe the walk on Hwy 90 is a scenic byway walk. So far, it’s been beautiful– lined with trees of all sizes, decked out in their newest green clothing, dancing happily in the bright sun and soothing breeze. I’ll be walking through several small towns today, en route to Mobile. I predict I’ll arrive around dusk, or maybe shortly afterward, optimistic and exhausted :)

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