IMAG0629 grassy walking patch; tony and Audrey live near

By the end of the day, I'd reached Georgia Hwy 29, a much busier highway. Though the quietest roads are make for my favorite walks, a common benefit of busier highways is more roadside shoulder space to walk on. Case in point: freshly-mowed green grass. Ahead on the right, the sweet couple Tony & Audrey are about to walk out their front driveway to introduce themselves to me. (!!)

By the end of the day, I’d reached Georgia Hwy 29, a much busier highway. Though the quietest roads are make for my favorite walks, a common benefit of busier highways is more roadside shoulder space to walk on. Case in point: freshly-mowed green grass. Ahead on the right, the sweet couple Tony & Audrey are about to walk out their front driveway to introduce themselves to me. (!!)

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